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‘Free, fair, secure': KY Attorney General ensures election integrity

Karyn Czar

Kentucky’s Election Integrity Command Center is running on high gear as voters have one last chance to head to the polls for the 2024 General Elections. Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman gave an update on the state’s election process thus far. He said his office received 357 complaints during early voting, either over the phone or through the online portal. Complaints on voting day hit 156 by 10:00 a.m.

Coleman said most calls were about technical issues or questions about the process but there was an allegation of vote buying or vote selling.

Tuesday morning, in Jefferson County, there were delays because of technical problems with voting machines which left many voters waiting in stagnant lines. Secretary of State Michael Adams confirmed that the issue has been resolved.

Adams and Coleman also talked about a voting machine malfunction during early voting in Laurel County, saying the machine was shut down. A video showing a voter's selection switching to the opposing candidate went viral. Coleman said the machine does not cast someone's final vote, but instead creates a slip for another machine. Adams added that the person's vote was ultimately cast correctly.

The elections fraud hotline is up and running and you can report any suspected voting irregularities by calling the voter fraud hotline or by using the online portal.
KY Voter Fraud Hotline: 800-328-VOTE

Online portal: Election Calls Web Form

Karyn Czar joined the WUKY News team July 1, 2013, but she's no stranger to radio.