$23 million will go to communities in Eastern Kentucky devastated by deadly floods in 2022. Governor Andy Beshear announced that the additional Eastern Kentucky Safe Funds will benefit 14 recipients.
“Every award today is for cities, counties, and school districts in Eastern Kentucky whose budgets have been impacted by the flooding.”
Governor Andy Beshear made the announcement during his weekly Team Kentucky update on Thursday. The awards will help local governments and a school board recover from financial strains caused by the natural disaster.
“These dollars will help these communities continue to work to serve their citizens and to build back stronger and better. I got to be in Wayland weeks ago and I got to hear a grandfather whose daughter and grandchildren were going to live in that house with him talk about it was going to be the nicest home he'd ever lived in. And for somebody to have been through the worst of the worst, seeing the best of the best and getting to see the joy and his grandkids' faces while they picked out their room. Something special that tells us that we are doing something right.”
Jeff Noble is the Judge Executive for Breathitt County.
“This is just another great day for Breathitt County and for the state of Kentucky to be able to get some more hope.”
Floyd County Judge Executive Robbie Williams said the destruction was the worst he had ever seen.
“I tell folks on a scale from 1 to 10 during the flood, Floyd County, it was a 10. But I look at my neighbors, Breathitt, Knott, Letcher, Perry, it was a 15.”
Williams says the impact of the natural disaster which caused 45 deaths and left thousands homeless is still being felt today and the mission to try to make each family whole continues.
“This funding goes a long way towards filling some of those gaps and helping us in our recovery effort. There's still a long way to go.”
The award amounts are based on requests by each entity and verified by the Department for Local Government for cities and counties and by the Kentucky Department of Education for the school district.
The Governor announced that:
- The city of Beattyville in Lee County will receive $350,000;
- The city of Booneville in Owsley County will receive $325,000;
- Breathitt County will receive $3 million;
- The Breathitt County Board of Education will receive $3,316,777;
- The city of Buckhorn in Perry County will receive $500,000;
- The city of Fleming-Neon in Letcher County will receive $350,000;
- Floyd County will receive $2.5 million;
- The city of Hindman in Knott County will receive $750,000;
- The city of Jackson in Breathitt County will receive $400,000;
- Knott County will receive $250,000;
- Lee County will receive $869,319;
- Letcher County will receive $5,468,401;
- Owsley County will receive $350,000; and
- Perry County will receive $5 million.
- Lee County will receive $869,319;
- Letcher County will receive $5,468,401;
- Owsley County will receive $350,000; and
- Perry County will receive $5 million.
The funding comes from the Eastern Kentucky State Aid for Emergencies (SAFE) Fund established by the Governor and the General Assembly during a special session in August of 2022 to address the area’s disaster needs.