Lexington leaders are discussing locating new senior recreation services at Shillito Park.
The popularity of the city’s senior center off Richmond Road is leading to calls for another center – this one focused on therapeudic recreation and supplementing services.
Kristy Stambaugh is aging services and disability support administrator with the city. She says more space is needed.
"The current senior center, pre-COVID, was at capacity and we anticipate on Friday when we open our doors back up that we'll have a lot of people joining us," she told the council.
In 2019, weekly fitness classes were approaching 75% capacity while art, music, and performance classes were nearing 92%. Now the city is eyeing a 21,500 foot spot at Shillito Park, but not all on the Urban County Council see room in the budget.
"The idea of this project, I like it... but I'm going to be hesitant moving forward depending on funding sources," council member Jennifer Reynolds added.
The project is estimated at $10 million.