Myron Thompson, FCPS Chief Operating Officer, says the district tries to keep students in person as much as possible, but FCPS serves a large geographic area, and road conditions vary throughout the county.
“You may look out your window. You may have your drive to school to work, and it may look fine, but your neighbors across the county, may be appearing a little different,” Thompson said. “So, we just appreciate your patience and just know that we're operating out of an abundance of caution for children, and that's always going to be our number one priority is taking care of our kids.”
Though the main roads in Lexington are now clear, many neighborhoods still have snow, ice, and slush - making navigation by bus and on foot difficult.
“Sometimes even clearing roads pushes snow on the sidewalk, so kids may have to navigate out into the street, which is another consideration that we have in terms of factoring in what that walk is going to look like for that child early in the morning without daylight.”
Students may have to walk up to a mile to get to school, and a half mile to get to their bus stop. FCPS school closure announcements are made through phone calls, texts, and emails to families. To make sure your contact information is up to date to receive updates, log into FCPS’s Campus Parent portal or ask your school’s registrar for assistance.