The Sanders-Brown Center on Aging is delighted to invite you to the 12th annual Markesbery Symposium on Aging and Dementia!
The symposium is named in honor and memory of the late William R. Markesbery, MD, founding director of the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease Center at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Markesbery’s legacy of groundbreaking research at the Center on Aging has formed the bedrock for our quest to understand and treat Alzheimer’s disease and to improve the quality of life of the elderly. We have no doubt that Dr. Markesbery’s legacy will endure as we continue the work he started here four decades ago.
In the community session you will have the opportunity to hear clinicians and researchers from the University of Kentucky and other institutions share current findings, trends, and the latest updates on dementia and aging disorders.
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