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Josh Rogers

Josh has worked at NHPR since 2000 and serves as NHPRâââ

  • Through public events, phone banks and door-to-door canvassing, the GOP presidential contenders are working full speed to reach out to voters in New Hampshire. Political strategists say a good ground game can make a difference at the ballot box.
  • It was a busy day for presidential politicking in New Hampshire Monday. Former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich traded barbs over Romney's proposed $10,000 bet with Texas Gov. Rick Perry, as well as Gingrich's consulting fees earned working for mortgage giant Freddie Mac.
  • Tea Party voters were expected to play a key role in the 2012 Republican presidential primary, but with movement hopefuls Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry low in the polls, and Herman Cain now out of the race, the Tea Party vote remains very much in play. New Hampshire Public Radio's Josh Rogers reports.
  • Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman has struggled to gain traction in the race for the GOP presidential nomination. Huntsman, a former Obama administration ambassador to China, has has staked his whole campaign on New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation primary. But even in that moderate state, Huntsman's candidacy does not seem to be catching fire.
  • Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has surged to the top tier of the GOP presidential field after some strong debate performances and some blunders by his rivals. But he faces challenges in early-voting states like New Hampshire, where he has few staffers on the ground.
  • Republican Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire has been nominated by President Obama to serve as commerce secretary. The state's governor says he will appoint Republican Bonnie Newman to fill Gregg's seat, should he be confirmed.
  • In part two of All Things Considered's look at abortion today, we look at a New Hampshire abortion notification law case before the Supreme Court and public opinion. Then, we take a broader look at other abortion-related cases that might come before the high court in the future.