The Living City is a two-four player cooperative game where players have to work together complete tasks ahead of a final challenge. Think games like Pandemic, X-Men, or Eldritch Horror.
The man behind the game is Anthony Gilmore, a film producer and director, who also happens to be an artist-in-residence at CivicLex. After doing ride-alongs, touring facilities, and meeting with city workers, he fashioned a game where players take on different storylines based on real problems faced by different departments of the city from recycling to street and roads.
In the game, players take LexCalls and set up initiatives to try to solve problems, but the ultimate question is...
"Do you have enough success through all of these different things to maintain the city and keep Lexington a better place to live? And that's kind of the goal of each storyline."Anthony Gilmore, artist
Gilmore says it's an educational but entertaining way to learn about the city while taking on the roles of the people who actually make Lexington tick.
Anyone interested will have a chance to check out The Living City this Sunday from 2 to 5 at West Sixth.