Fayette County Superintendent Demetrus Liggins says the district is committed to keeping classes in-person, as questions swirl around the fast-spreading Delta variant. Hundreds of students will be kept at home on Monday – either due to positive COVID tests or quarantining.
Liggins told the school board Thursday that any potential switch to non-traditional learning would need the okay from the state.
"Should conditions in the virus change to warrant reconsideration of our current mode of instruction, there would have to be action from Frankfort in order to make that possible as it currently not an option at the local level," he explained.
Meanwhile, Liggins says the district will continue to be innovative in its efforts to solve a bus driver shortage that’s resulted in route cancellations and delays as the new school year gets underway.
"Our staff is working very, very hard to make sure that we are providing as much services as we can considering the situation to our families," Liggins said. "We're commited to being transparent about it and communicating with our families when there is a delay."
Starting Monday, in addition to robocalls to parents, the district will be posting pop-up notices about cancellations on the district’s website.